Welcome to Combat Surfers. This blog is aimed to help others who have developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (combat stress) and all amputies and injured as a result of their Military Service whilst serving in any one of the numerous campaigns around the world both past and present. Surfing has introduced me to a very special global community. I have met some of the most diverse and interesting characters, I have travelled to and experienced some amazing cultures on my quest to be a better person and surfer. Inspired by Operation Amped in California, our UK surf camps are being developed to introduce serving or ex-service personnel to the world of surfing. The surf camps will allow you to experience something very new, and in the process find the support and motivation you may need to move ahead in life. As cliched as it sounds, and taken from the film Point Break, 'surfing is a source, and it can change your life'.
I will use this blog to inform you of any events, help and advice, projects and workshops that are now becoming increasingly available through a 'not for profit' company set up by Stuart Thompson and myself named SURF ACTION. Our first event happening on the 19th and 20th of September 2009 on Gwithian Beach, Hayle, near Penzance, Cornwall. Our first surf camp is already gathering momentum and aims to create awareness of PTSD and help for amputees, however, our main objective is to ensure that those taking part are shown an alternative path and receive valuable support. It has taken me a long time to get where I am today, arguably I have found the way forward the hard way, the help is there and if I can lead you forward then we can lead others as well.
Photography by Russ Pierre www.russpierrephotography.blogspot.com
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