Each Friday since mid February Surf Action have introduced Surf and Beach Clinics which have been successful in bringing veterans and those over 50 to the beach. Using the open environment to clear their minds and change their perspective of what their future can hold in terms of feeling positive, confident and building self-esteem the clinics are attracting more participants each week. The clinic this week took our veterans from Sunset Surf Cafe at Gwithian Towans over to Godrevy to see the seals resting during their winter lay up. Nigel from the Wildlife Trust has joined the group to provide real added value to the walks, providing some great geological interpretation and educational team building but also he has met fellow surfers who enjoy the great outdoors.
Last week we also invited Catherine Powell from the London Meditation Project who works specifically with sufferers of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Meditation can help to deal with ongoing conditions of anger, anxiety, panic attacks, sleeplessness and nightmares and these can be symptoms suffered by combat veterans.
The session was used to introduce a few of our vets and 50+ to a method of relaxation that uses breathing techniques and self awareness. This ‘mindfullness’ teaches us to be aware of our body’s emotions and can lead to an awareness that can also help with negative emotions such as guilt, deep sadness and fear. We don’t believe surfing, walking or meditation are a ‘quick fix’ but given time can all help make us make better decisions about self care in life, offer a sense of belonging in society and in cases peace of mind.
Keep up the good work Richie ; )